Sunday, 16 April 2017

Lil Sheev

Ayo wassup speak n spell shoe wearin, fingas too fat to work zippy bag ass bitches. In the tradition of sum religious ass holiday wat got jacked from dem pagan dudes a while back, ya boi Rock Digglesbee aka LadsBible's man of the year 2015 aka Sleazus Christ aka Cunty McCuntface, has returned from death... well a coma induced by drinking horse tranquilisers mixed with lead paint on a mad lad's night out wid mah boys the Cornhole Snatchmaster and Thicc Daddy Fuckboi.

Wateva, anyway, I am here to promote the new street mixtape thass makin waves all ova Tatooine, got them cantina band ass scrotum headed dudes playin shit on repeat.

Lil Sheev - "Tha Senate"

1. I Am Tha Senate
2. Execute Order 66 (ft. 501st Bois & Lil Ani)
3. I'm A Hologram Bitch
4. Wrinkles On Ma Nuts (Don't Give A Fuck) (Mace Windu Diss)
5. Fuck That Frog Nigga
6. Unlimited PowAHH
7. Roast Sesh (ft. Lil Ani)
8. Suck Ma Lightsaber (A Love Song For Nute Gunray)
9. DEW IT (ft. Gasping)
10. Fully Operational
11. Why Am I Falling? (Endor Diss)
12. Tragedy (ft. Darth Plagueis & Not the Jedi)
Bonus Tracks
13. Yareal Poof Is Still Alive (CLUB REMIX) (ft. Pitbull & George Lucas)
14. All Ma Homies Are Dead (Tribute To Dat Nigga Tarkin, Lil Ani, Nute Gunray & Darth Plagueis)

As I'm sure yall can tell this mixtape is a classic, full of autistic screeching and lightsaber noises for all yall hatin ass bitches. Whether he's talking about throwing some black dude outta a fuckin window or focusing on social issues like the state of the senate, Lil Sheev aka Big Poppa Palps aka Banned From the Jedi Temple, is the best rapper in star wars no doubt. I mean, dude's jus talkin about smokin death sticks wid his bois and massacring children: great shite. I jus hope he resolves his feud with that raggedy ass Big Snoke.

Thass all.